Visual impairment is a worldwide problem that has a significant socioeconomic impact.India has an estimated 320,000 blind children, more than any other country in the world.It is an investment in economic growth, a healthier workforce, lasting peace and the future of our planet. That’s why Blind Vision Foundation advocates — at the local, national and international levels — for resources and policy changes that improve access to education for blind children.
Childhood blindness is increasingly becoming a major challenge world wide. It is estimated that a child goes blind some where in the world every minute. This is indeed disturbing in view of the attendant problems and hopelessness associated with blindness especially in children. Blind students are unhappy that little effort has been made to provide Braille Slates and books or low vision assistive devices to enable them continue their education. Though the State allocates funds in the budget, this rarely reaches the beneficiaries, activists said.
Due to lack of blindness disability, we came with a solution for visually impaired to get a independent life beacause blind children needs is not a teacher but another self. Here we are providing the same opportunities and educational experiences for blind children as those provided for sighted children.Our foundation "BLIND VISION FOUNDATION" is registered 'Not for Profit' under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013. CIN: U85300KA2020NPL140218.
Correctable eyesight is vision that can be righted to normal with optical aids or surgery, but uncorrectable vision impairment which is not correctable, out of which 1.02 million who are blind, this number is predicted to more than double by 2050 to 8.96 million.There are many people who are in uncorrectable blindness list. By birth they are not able to read because of no vision. We know that all books are not available in braille script. So we Built a support system which is our product "SMART VISION".
- The device is fixed on the left side of the glasses. The device has five braille-coded keys. These keys are touch sensitive and get activated when you touch them. The device is having a USB wire which can be connected to any android phone. In Android you need to install our Smart Vision Glasses app and then when you connect our device, our device is ready to use.
- The first touch key on your left is to know the things around you. The device assumes that the place is lighted and visible to any sighted person. By touching this key, the device will tell you the objects in the field of view of the camera. The camera has 72 deg vision. It can recognize items at a distance of 10 meters.
- You can read any textbook. You can read handwritten notes also. The device supports multiple languages. It can recognize the text automatically and read it out in that language. While reading, the user can pause, continue, repeat and stop reading. A single tap pauses reading. Another single tap un-pauses and continues reading where it has left. A double-tap starts from the beginning. A long tap stops reading. The reading operation will be accurate if the text is kept 15 inches from the glasses. To ensure accurate reading, keep the text in the field of view of the camera.
- The third touch key is a walking assistant. In this mode, the device will tell you if there is any obstacle in front of you and how far they are. Your device is fitted with a LIDAR. It measures the distance of any object at eye level and informs the user in centimeters. It also detects what object is in the way and tells that the object name and the distance.
- The fourth key is for storing the name of a person for the face. While detecting objects, if a person is detected, the device gives the gender, age, and expression of the person. If the user wants to store the name of the person, one has to tap the fourth key and wait. The device asks Please record the name after Beep. You give the name and tap to save. Next time when it identifies the person, it matches the face with the name and gives out the name. Presently, the number of names that can be identified is limited to twenty.
- The fifth key is for putting the device to standby mode. You can If at any time, one wants to move out of the current model, they can tap the key once and it goes to standby mode. In Standby mode, the device simply waits for you to use it in any way you like. If you tap it twice, it goes into audio tutorial mode. If you tap it three times it goes to helpdesk mode.
Bank Transfer is one of the Payment Options available. Below are the details of the Bank where you can make a Transfer.
- Account Name :Blind Vision Foundation
- Bank Name :HDFC Bank
- Account No. :50200054032757
- IFSC Code :HDFC0000053
- Branch :Koramangala Main Branch